Looking for FAQ in English?

Gemaakt door Dennis van Rooij, Gewijzigd op Wo, 27 Sep, 2023 om 2:17 PM op Dennis van Rooij

UPDATE: we are currently in the process of translating the most relevant support articles. If you have any questions and/or feedback, please reach us via [email protected].

All our apps and online account are available both in Dutch and English.

However, at this point most frequently asked questions are only in Dutch.

We gathered some on our blog:

How to add a past trip? (Gekko Trips)

How to use a timer? (Gekko Hours)

How to invoice customers? (online on getgekko.com)

How to download an overview of invoices/costs?

If you don't find the answer to your question, please send us an e-mail. We'll help you as soon as possible.

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